
Common Spanish Real Estate Terms

This list of common Spanish real estate terms with their English translations will help familiarize you with words you’ll see in many real estate listings. Note:  If all these words appear only in English this is because your browser is auto translating them.  The fix for this is when the page loads to click on “Keep the Original” (Google Chrome). This will then not auto translate and you should have Spanish words on the left.

Abogado Lawyer
Agente Agent
Aguinaldo Christmas Bonus due December 20
Aljíbe In-ground water storage tank
Apéndice Addendum
Avaluo Assessment
Balcón Balcony
Beneficiario Beneficiary
Biences Raíces Real Estate
Bodega Storage unit
Bóveda Arched brick ceiling
Cantera Unpolished quarry tile
Casa House
Casita Detached small guest house
Chimenea Chimney
Cochera Carport
CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad) Electrical Utility Company
Colonos Homeowner Association fees
Contrato Contract
Corredor Broker
Costos de cierre Closing costs
Criada Maid
Cupola Domed ventilation
Cubierta Deck
Cuenta Bill or Invoice
CURP (Clave Única del Registro de Población) Social Security Number or S.I.N.
Deslinde Survey
Drenaje Sewer
Edificio Building
Efectivo Cash
Ejido Common land
Escritura Deed
Fideicomiso Trust
Finiquito Severance pay
Fosa Septic tank
Fraccionamiento Subdivision
Hacienda Estate or large house
Hipoteca Mortgage
Inspección de vivienda Home inspection
Jardinero Gardener
Lote Lot
Mañana Tomorrow
Mirador Rooftop viewing area
Muebles Furniture
Notario Público Public Notary
Peso Mexican currency
Poder Power of Attorney
Pozo Well
Predial Property tax
Propiedad Property
Restricciones Zoning
RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) Individual tax number
Rústico Rustic
Seguro Insurance
Servidumbre Easement
Se Vende For Sale
SIMAPA (Sistema Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado) Water Utility Company
Sold Vendido
Telmex Telephone/Internet Utility Company
Terraza Terrace
Tinaco Rooftop water storage tank
Transferencia Bancaria Wire Transfer
Visa Temporal Temporary Mexican visa
Visa Turista Tourist Mexican visa
Visa Permanente Permanent Mexican visa

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