Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Nova-Lee spent a good part of her career in Healthcare – Cancer care to be exact,” looking after people is in my nature and although I loved my job…it was tremendously difficult on my heart”. Nova-Lee and her husband decided to make a change. They had been to Lake Chapala on a two week vacation the year before with friends and fell in love with the area, the people, the culture and weather. Let Nova-Lee share with you the experience of how they sold everything they could, passed onto their adult children what they would take (not much) and donated lots. They packed up their truck, trailer, their dog named Peso and headed south, they made it to Lake Chapala in September of 2017. Nova-Lee’s enthusiasm for life at Lakeside is contagious, her attention to detail exceptional and she has the drive to find you the perfect new home!


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